Unemployment at 8.3% still leaves a vast and destructive jobs deficit |...
US jobless numbers are falling, but not far or fast enough. We should forget about the budget deficit until unemployment is 5%The most significant aspect of January's jobs report is political. The fact...
View ArticleJacqueline Rose: a life in writing
'Victimhood is something that happens but when you turn it into an identity you're psychically and politically finished'One day, Jacqueline Rose came across a troubling passage in Proust's A la...
View ArticleDirty little secret: the loo that saves lives in Liberia
Diarrhoea kills more children than HIV/Aids, tuberculosis and malaria combined – and its main cause is food and water contaminated with human waste. Liberia's president is trying to change all thatFor...
View ArticleThe polling picture ahead of the Nevada caucus | Harry J Enten
The Nevada caucus belongs to Mitt Romney, but watch for Ron Paul: by my reading, pollsters are underestimating his appealMitt Romney won a wide and deep victory in Florida. He won most demographics and...
View ArticleMan lost overboard from cruise liner off Mexico
US and Mexican coastguards search for 30-year-old seen falling from deck of world's largest cruise shipA British passenger on the world's biggest cruise ship has apparently gone overboard in waters...
View ArticleHow my BNP-voting dad came to love his mixed-race grandson
One year ago, a father's racist politics had poisoned the relationship with his son. Now, the birth of a child has brought about a subtle changeAfter more than a day of labour, Baby Finn forced his way...
View ArticleSyria: more than 200 dead after 'massacre' in Homs
Observers claim deaths came after shelling by security forces on eve of UN vote on removal of Bashar al-AssadMore than 200 people were reported to have been killed yesterday in the Syrian city of Homs...
View ArticleBradley Manning: US general orders court martial for WikiLeaks suspect
Soldier charged with biggest leak of classified information in US history to face 22 counts, including aiding the enemyA US army officer has ordered a court martial for Bradley Manning, the soldier...
View ArticleBen Gazzara obituary
Prolific actor built a career in the US and Europe, embracing many roles across stage, film and televisionFew screen debuts have equalled the searing malevolence of Ben Gazzara's Iago-inspired Jocko de...
View ArticleBen Gazzara dies aged 81
Emmy-winning stage, film and television actor was known for intense countenance that won him tough-guy roles• Ben Gazzara obituaryThe actor Ben Gazzara, known for his brooding tough-guy presence in...
View ArticleSyrian embassies in London and Cairo attacked over Homs massacre
Cairo embassy is trashed, while police in London detain five people and missions are targeted in other countriesFive people have been arrested during a demonstration at the Syrian embassy in London,...
View ArticleUS military drops 'kill team' charges against soldier
Michael Wagnon testified that he only shot his gun in defence during Afghan deployment in which civilians were killed for sportThe US military has dropped all charges against the fifth soldier it had...
View ArticleThe Sports Charter shines a welcome light on homophobia in football | Amal...
No British professional footballer has come out as gay since my uncle, Justin Fashanu. Hopefully this charter will change thatAfter what feels like an eternity since the tragic death of my uncle,...
View ArticleAnti-Putin protests draw up to 100,000
Anti-government protesters march through Russian capital as Putin supporters stage counter-rallyTens of thousands of anti-government demonstrators are marching through Moscow and other Russian cities...
View ArticleSyrian embassy in London damaged as protests erupt at diplomatic missions
Six arrested in Belgrave Square after windows smashed as activists target embassies in Egypt, Germany, Spain and USSix people have been arrested during a demonstration at the Syrian embassy in London,...
View ArticleIran military manoeuvres heighten Middle East tensions
Revolutionary Guards exercises follow threats by supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei against US and IsraelIran's Revolutionary Guards are carrying out military exercises amid rising tensions over the...
View ArticleAfghan civilian deaths reach record high
• UN report says 3,021 civilians killed in 2011• 8% increase on 2010 and fifth consecutive rise• Number of suicide bombings static but toll rises 80%The civilian death toll for the war in Afghanistan...
View ArticleAndaman Islands abuse: new videos reveal Indian police role
Jarawa girls told to dance semi-naked for the camera as two videos offer fresh proof of official involvement in 'human safaris'Two videos obtained by the Observer offer fresh proof of official...
View ArticleThe Big Ideas podcast: Friedrich Nietzsche's 'God is dead'
One of the most frequently quoted – and hotly debated – passages in modern philosophy appears in Section 125 of Friedrich Nietzsche's The Gay Science. It's worth quoting in full:God is dead. God...
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