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The Sports Charter shines a welcome light on homophobia in football | Amal Fashanu


No British professional footballer has come out as gay since my uncle, Justin Fashanu. Hopefully this charter will change that

After what feels like an eternity since the tragic death of my uncle, Justin Fashanu, almost 14 years ago, there are signs that the football authorities may finally be taking a stand. Or is this just a public front amid growing concerns about their lack of effort to tackle homophobia and transphobia in sport?

Last Monday, I presented a BBC3 documentary asking why none of the 5,000-or-so professional footballers currently playing in Britain has come out publicly as gay.

Maybe the programme had some effect, because on Thursday it emerged that Premier League clubs are now expected to sign the Sports Charter, which includes a pledge to combat homophobia.

For me, the Sports Charter is long overdue. It begins by saying that "everyone should be able to participate in and enjoy sport – whoever they are and whatever their background". That seems to be such basic common sense it's amazing it had to be written down. Nonetheless, it should not detract from the charter's importance in pushing towards a welcoming environment for football players of all sexualities.

Maybe what John Amaechi, the gay basketball player, said to me in the documentary is no longer entirely accurate. Maybe the "white men in boardrooms" (as he described Britain's football elite) have, in fact, realised that the game is no longer played in the realms of the dark ages.

I am constantly reminded of a vivid statement my dad, John Fashanu, made during the documentary. In the most assured voice he stated that there was more chance of a black pope than of a football player "coming out" as homosexual.

Yes, the Sports Charter shines a welcome light on this long-standing taboo, but whether or not it will reassure any players wanting to reveal their true identity and having a safe environment in which to do so is another matter – a matter I feel the English game is still a very long way from laying to rest.

The lack of players who are willing to speak on the issue of homophobia shows that turning the charter into reality is still going to be a struggle – though it has the potential to act as the much-needed catalyst to encourage the game's high-profile stars to address the subject.

For the documentary, I did find some Millwall players who were prepared to talk about it – which is a positive sign, even if many more are still reluctant to do so.

Without sounding like a cynical heartbroken niece, I welcome the Sports Charter and above all hope it will finally bring tolerance and change in one of the most loved games in the world.

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