Greek protesters take to Athens streets as creditors arrive for debt talks
EU hopes for quick deal on 50% debt write-off as Papademos government insists it can and will impose reformGreece is braced for a second day of protests as representatives of international creditors...
View ArticleTea Party silently seethes as Mitt Romney surges towards the nomination
For a movement famed for making a racket, the Tea Party has been all but silent in this election. Can they unite in time to prevent Mitt Romney from getting to the White House?A leading organiser of...
View ArticleCosta Concordia: a tragedy with a dozen nationalities
Death toll hits 11, as Germans, Americans, Peruvians, Indians and more hope for news of kin who were onboard linerThe last time anyone saw Gabriele Grube, she was insisting a trio of wheelchair users...
View ArticleCountry diary: Wenlock Edge: A republic of chaffinches
Wenlock Edge: Walking from the stile along the hedge created a bow wave of chaffinches rolling forward as birds foraging in the field joined birds in the hedgePink and grey-blue: the colours of the sky...
View ArticleLetters: Israel, Palestine and the meaning of antisemitism
Once again a Jewish writer (Tanya Gold, 17 January) complaining about antisemitism deliberately ignores the distinction between false accusations against Jews over the centuries and justified criticism...
View ArticleLetters: Dickens in Rome
Last Sunday, just a few days after BBC2 had broadcast the newly completed version of Dickens's Edwin Drood (TV review, 11 January), Carlo Fruttero, an Italian author most famous as the literary partner...
View ArticleAnd lo! Gove's Bible project did run into a spot of bother
Sources say thousands of copies are in a warehouse abroad after the education secretary fails to find a private sponsorA plan by the education secretary, Michael Gove, to send a copy of the King James...
View ArticleWikipedia blackout a 'gimmick', MPAA boss claims
Leading web entrepreneurs have claimed anti-piracy legislation will stifle innovation and threaten North Korea-style censorshipFormer senator Chris Dodd, the chairman and CEO of the Motion Picture...
View ArticleStop Sopa or the web really will go dark | Dan Gillmor
The corporations lobbying for Sopa know exactly what they want: control of online information for profit. This is a crossroads• See the Guardian's explainer: understanding SopaAs thousands of websites,...
View ArticleIn praise of… Judge Baltasar Garzón | Editorial
The man who tried to extradite Pinochet from Britain for human rights abuses faces professional exile in his native SpainA number of countries around the world have reason to be grateful for the...
View ArticleChina's economic success challenges US and British failed market consensus |...
Public ownership of banks and corporations gave China the strength to ride out the west's crisisHow the tables are turned. As Britain tips back towards recession and the eurozone hovers on the brink of...
View ArticleNewt Gingrich's cynical play to racial prejudice | Tamara Winfrey Harris
Never mind most foodstamp recipients are poor whites, insulting myths about African Americans and welfare win GOP cheersIt is curious that in a climate when nearly 45 million Americans are in need of...
View ArticleWisconsin governor facing recall after workers collect 1m petition signatures
Republican Scott Walker could be forced to defend his seat in a special election after workers objected to his union-busting measuresOpponents of Wisconsin's Republican governor Scott Walker, who...
View ArticleBringing despots to heel with a quiet word and a hard stare
Once our troops wrung necks. Now our MPs wring hands. An improvement, but a reminder of how our power has shrivelledForeign affairs questions, the monthly "poking our nose into other people's business"...
View ArticleCentenary of Captain Scott reaching the South Pole – in pictures
British explorer Robert Falcon Scott reached the South Pole during his ill-fated Terra Nova Expedition on 17 January 1912. It was his second attempt and 34 days after Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen...
View ArticleSouth Carolina primary race: Boos for Ron Paul's foreign policy – live
Knives are out for Ron Paul in South Carolina as campaigning continues after the latest Republican debate - live coverage10am: Good morning and welcome to our continuing coverage of the South Carolina...
View ArticleJerry Yang resigns from Yahoo
Jerry Yang, Yahoo's co-founder, has stepped down from his position on the company's board after 16 yearsThe end of an internet era has come with the resignation of Jerry Yang, the 43-year-old...
View ArticleLos Angeles to porn industry: wear a condom
LA city councilors approved an ordinance that makes the use of condoms in porn mandatory, but the industry claims it is unnecessary and will cost them jobsActors in the pornographic film industry could...
View ArticleCosta Concordia: a tale of two seamen
Italy has a hero in coastguard Gregorio De Falco, who ordered captain Francesco Schettino to 'get on board' his sinking shipItaly has been gripped by the tale of two very different men whose...
View ArticleEU report calls for action over Israeli settlement growth
Diplomats in Jerusalem say states should consider law to discourage 'financial transactions in support of settlement activity'The European Union should consider legislation to prevent or discourage...
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