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Republican presidential candidates at CPAC - as it happened


Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich all appeared at CPAC in Washington to make their case to conservatives

4.50pm: "We need to teach the Republican establishment a lesson," says Newt Gingrich, and with that he has finished to a wall of applause.

So there we are, a day at CPAC with all the contenders other than Ron Paul.

What to make of it all? Gingrich appeared to get the most enthusiastic response, followed by Mitt Romney, and an oddly downbeat Rick santorum, who should have been the most upbeat.

Tomorrow though we'll learn so interesting facts. One is the CPAC straw poll of presidential candidates, which will tell us who has the most conservative mojo – although this like any straw poll is open to manipulation by campaigns.

Then on Saturday evening (from 7pm ET) there is the mildly interesting result from the Maine caucuses, with little interest from the candidates other than Ron Paul and Romney, who have both campaigned there and Romney visiting this evening.

Romney should carry the state but if he loses to Ron Paul it will be another black eye to go with his earlier failures in Minnesota and Colorado, and another scratch off the inevitability sheen.

4.45pm: After running through his greatest hits from the campaign trail – going down a storm here, it has to be said, Gingrich winds up:

But no, no Moon Base Gingrich. Instead there's this:

If [Obama] wins re-election he will wage war on the Catholic church the morning after he is re-elected. We can not trust him.

Oh, and if Fed chairman Ben Bernanke hasn't already resigned, Newt says he will "ask the Congress to pass a law ending his term". (Wouldn't that be a bill of attainder, barred by the constitution? I really have no idea.)

4.35pm: Newt Gingrich says he wants America to have a 12.5% corporate tax rate, or as he calls it, "the Irish tax rate". And look what an economic success Ireland has ... oh dear, never mind.

Anyway, Ireland is part of Europe and socialist, so that must confuse people.

4.31pm: Newt Gingrich's speech is remarkably similar to his stump speech. But why mess with perfection?

Lots of applause lines here, and much enthusiasm for Gingrich here at CPAC, probably the best so far. But then again, Gingrich should know how to feel this crowd's pulse, or other parts of its body that I'd rather not think about.

4.25pm: Here is a prime piece of Newtonian one-liner: "For the Republican establishment, managing the decay is preferable to changing the trajectory."

No it's Professor Gingrich telling CPAC that the Tea Party is just like the Goldwater movement in 1964, etc and so on.

And then Prof Gingrich starts rewriting history:

We won the second world war, starting from December 7 1941 to August 1945

Now we know Americans think they won the second world war, but not so many think they did it single-handedly.

"Raise your hand if you've ever tracked a package on FedEx or UPS online," says Newt Gingrich. Now, you see, says Newt, ee track these packages online and yet the federal government loses all these illegal immigrants.

Brilliant! Just attach bar codes to everyone, solve immigration crisis!

4.10pm: Newt Gingrich is next up, and there could be fireworks.

Callista Gingrich is on stage now: "I want to thank everyone that has reached out to us. You have made our lives richer. Yes, literally if the campaign receipts at the FCC are to be believed.

"Because I know Newt better than most," begins Callista, perhaps tacitly admitting she may not know him as well as his first two wives.

And hereeeee's Newt.

3.56pm: Regarding Carly Fiorina's comment at CPAC earlier today, when she said (inaccurately): "Only in America can you start from nowhere and go anywhere."

A reader tweets to point out that Carly clawed her way up from the rough streets of .... well, somewhere not very rough. Her father was the fabulously named Joseph Tyree Sneed III, who taught law at Cornell, Stanford and Duke, and then served in the US Department of Justice as Deputy Attorney General before his nomination to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals by President Nixon.

So, ah, yes she had it tough.

3.41pm: Charlie Cook, the esteemed political analyst, offers this thought about how Mitt Romney can win and lose at the same time:

In my view, Romney will almost certainly win the Republican nomination. The question is how far to the right he will need to move to get it. At some point, he will have to pivot back toward the middle, toward the swing and independent voters who will ultimately decide the general election. The longer the primary campaign goes, the further from the middle Romney gets.

3.20pm: Whoops! Mitt Romney's most famous fan, Donald Trump, comes to his aid with this tweet:

Thanks Donald, small problem (via TPM). This tweet was posted at 3.12pm ET. Mitt Romney's speech ended at around 1.30pm. And he barely mentioned China.

Meanwhile, how's that golf course in Scotland getting on?

This letter is a rather desperate attempt by a rich man who is used to getting his own way. But his latest tizzy is embarrassing. Instead of the world laughing at Scotland, Scotland is laughing at Mr Trump.

2.53pm: This just in: the Catholic bishops have released a statement that goes some way to accepting the White House's revisions on contraception:

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) sees initial opportunities in preserving the principle of religious freedom after President Obama's announcement today. But the Conference continues to express concerns. "While there may be an openness to respond to some of our concerns, we reserve judgment on the details until we have them," said Cardinal-designate Timothy Dolan, president of USCCB.

"The past three weeks have witnessed a remarkable unity of Americans from all religions or none at all worried about the erosion of religious freedom and governmental intrusion into issues of faith and morals," he said.

"Today's decision to revise how individuals obtain services that are morally objectionable to religious entities and people of faith is a first step in the right direction," Cardinal-designate Dolan said. "We hope to work with the Administration to guarantee that Americans' consciences and our religious freedom are not harmed by these regulations.

I haven't heard this much excitement about a statement from bishops since the Reformation.

2.52pm: The Catholic Health Association has been a rare voice to welcome the shift by the White House, with this statement:

The Catholic Health Association is very pleased with the White House announcement that a resolution has been reached that protects the religious liberty and conscience rights of Catholic institutions. The framework developed has responded to the issues we identified that needed to be fixed. We are pleased and grateful that the religious liberty and conscience protection needs of so many ministries that serve our country were appreciated enough that an early resolution of this issue was accomplished.

The Washington Post's EJ Dionne summarises the "well-that's-that" tone, claiming "there was also sentiment among Bishops that they should be prepared to declare victory and move on":

Obama's move is a welcome step away from a religious battle that neither he nor the country needed. There were legitimate liberty interests on both sides of this debate, as he said today. The administration's new rule, unlike its initial decision, honors that fact. It is an important step.

2.39pm: The Huffington Post's Sam Stein asks Rick Santorum at CPAC – where 500 people queued up to meet him after his speech, take that Mitt "severely conservative" Romney – how he felt about the contraception compromise.

And it turns out that Santorum has an even more extreme position: that contraception shouldn't be covered by health insurance at all, for anyone:

This has nothing to do with access. This is having someone pay for it, pay for something that shouldn't be in an insurance plan anyway because it is not, really an insurable item. This is something that is affordable, available. You don't need insurance for these types of relatively small expenditures. This is simply someone trying to impose their values on somebody else, with the arm of the government doing so.

Now, there's a position that will be a real vote-winner with women in a general election. In a parallel universe. But not this one.

2.38pm: Even more interesting: Fox News waits a half hour until after Romney finished speaking at CPAC before going back to the subject, doesn't show his actual speech (uses earlier footage instead) and then spends more time on Santorum, including clips of his CPAC speech.

2.35pm: In the comments, lefthalfback asks some interesting questions regarding the religious institutions / contraception healthcare provision issue.

So, the employer's insurance company is supposed to give the disputed coverage away? That fails on so many levels that it is laughable.

First of all – it is obviously a "...taking..." and the carriers would be entitled to fair compensation pursuant to the Fifth Amendment's "...Takings Clause..."

Second, it really doesn't solve the First Amendment issue either. The Religious institutions are paying for coverage and the carrier is obliged to throw in the disputed coverages. What does that actualluy change? Nothing except that the employer doesn't have to pay.

Third, it doesn't end this. This will roll on and in the end Obama will cave entirely, but not before further damaging his re-election prospects.

This is such a political fiasco. the GOP was in total disarray, with its candidates savaging each other and saying increasingly nutty things in the process. And what does Obama do? He changes the subject, overreaches seriously on Constitutional issue, angers key supporters and then puts out a half-baked, half-thought out compromise.

He is literally throwing away his re-election before our eyes.

I'm no expert, but one argument I have heard that makes sense is that it's a lot cheaper for insurance companies to pay for contraception than it is to pay for maternity and perinatal care.

I can't speak to the constitutional points. All this and more will be answered soon I imagine.

2.01pm: Awesome – I think the Guardian's finally starting to pocket some of Mitt millions. In the US, we're carrying an ad attacking Rick Santorum, paid for by the pro-Mitt Restore Our Future super Pac, linking to this Rickfacts.com site.

This means we can buy some new pencils!

1.57pm: In the comments, astrobob asks:

I hope someone is using CPAC to get some new top-notch prizes for the prediction blogs. We need more than Guardian pencils to inspire us!

Yes! We're on it. We need something special for Super Tuesday - I have my eye on a Rick Santorum cardboard cutout.

I'd try and find a cardboard cutout of Mitt Romney but it would be too easy to mix up with the real Romney.

1.39pm: "We can't use this election to refight past battles," says Romney, a nanosecond after doing just that.

To show how much he hates Washington, even if he has to go there to be president, once his term is over, he pledges to get the hell outta the place (I paraphrase).

And then I will leave Washington and go back home to my family and my community that I love.

That $250m in the Cayman Islands won't hurt either.

Now here's a thing: while CNN and MSNBC showed Romney's speech in full, Fox News showed a stretch live but cut away to ads well before his big peroration. Fox News really does not like Mitt Romney.

And when Fox News does come back from the ads for giant teddy bears (Valentine's day), it's right back into Obama's shift on contraception provision, ignoring Romney's finish.

1.32pm: Having buttressed his conservative credentials, Romney swiftly moves on to President Romney, with barely a glance at his so-called rivals. And now we really are back into the stump speech.

Larry Sabato wonders what "severely conservative" means: in this context it means "as conservative if you want me to be".

Some Republican activists are not convinced.

1.20pm: Here's a strange line from Romney: "We fought hard and prevented Massachusetts from becoming the Las Vegas of gay marriage." I bet he wouldn't have said before the Nevada caucuses last weekend.

So basically it's just impossible to be a Republican governor in Massachusetts: "I fought against long odds, but I was a severely conservative Republican governor," says Romney. Well yes except for these people: William Weld, Paul Cellucci, Jane Swift. They were the previous three governors of Massachusetts, and all Republicans, from 1991 to 2006 including Romney.

1.17pm: Mitt Romney is now on stage. "Wow, great crowd," he says to cheers and a standing ovation as he enters. It seems like his people have done a good job packing the ballroom. "This is an extraordinary cowd here at CPAC!" says Romney, although he does say that at all his events.

"It's not enough for us to show how they failed, we have to show we can and will lead," says Romney. He's obviously put a lot of work into this speech, or rather his speechwriters have. Already there are a few sentences that haven't appeared in his standard stump speech.

"Barack Obama is the poster child for the arrogance of government," says Romney, to sustained applause, as if he just delivered the Gettysburg Address.

Romney goes on to explain his conservatism. "Not everyone has taken the same path to get here," says Mitt, who has been a lifetime conservative since at least 2005. "My path to conservatism came from my family," Romney goes on, although he seems to be equating conservatism with business success.

He says that he lives "conservative values" every day, including his 42-year marriage. And then there's business. "In business if you're not fiscally conservative, you're bankrupt. I spent 25 years balancing budgets and cutting waste. And staying as far away from government as possible!" Except that in 1994 he could thank the voters of Massachusetts for keeping him far away from government as possible when he lost an election to the US senate.

Oh and his term as governor of Massachusetts was "to defend conservative principles". So that's what he was doing.

12.52pm: Media personality Ann Coulter has been on at CPAC, running through her repertoire of one liners, some of which have become as well-worn and comfortable as a pair of old slippers. I think I first heard some of these gags about a decade ago.

To the surprise of many, Coulter is backing Mitt Romney, in part because Coulter is not particularly conservative in the terms of today's GOP. Today she warns the CPAC attendees against supporting Newt Gingrich:

I too enjoy people who annoy the media. I am that person. But this is a presidential election that will decide the future of the country ... keep your eye on the prize, conservatives.

Later, during her Q&A, Coulter is asked about being a conservative woman. Coulter seems unusually (for her) tongue-tied, muttering something about how she doesn't write about feminism because she doesn't have anything to add. (As if that normally stops her?) But then Coulter is back in her stride:

I think women are liberal because they have to date liberal men. But as we've seen from Bill Clinton, Dominique Strauss-Kahn and Anthony Weiner, we've seen how liberal men treat women.

Coulter then goes on to say she's happy to earn "68 cents on the dollar" compared to men so she can buy her own dinner. I don't quite get what she means here: possibly, in order for women to get equal pay they would have to seek support from the likes of Bill Clinton? That's really a kind of "perverse feminism".

Another question is about how conservatives can trust Mitt Romney. "I think you'd have to be insane or a Newton to think he's not going to repeal Obamacare," is Coulter's pragmatic reply.

12.47pm: On the contraception issue, the White House prefers the term "accommodation" to "compromise," which rather smacks of West Wing-style cleverness.

The reality may be somewhat different from a neat Aaron Sorkin plot ending. The White House's "compromise" may end up annoying its supporters while still alienating the original opponents. Does this remind anyone of, let's see, any other recent controversies involving funding? I'm thinking Susan G Komen v Planned Parenthood, in case you were wondering.

How this ends will depend as much on the reaction of religious groups, especially the Catholic church.

12.30pm: And that's it. The White House website has added information on the compromise.

The compromise "exempts churches, other houses of worship, and similar organizations from covering contraception on the basis of their religious objections", the White House statement says.

Religious organisations "will not have to provide contraceptive coverage" and "will not be required to subsidize the cost of contraception". Instead, contraception "will be offered to women by their employers' insurance companies directly".

Under the new policy to be announced today, women will have free preventive care that includes contraceptive services no matter where she works. The policy also ensures that if a woman works for religious employers with objections to providing contraceptive services as part of its health plan, the religious employer will not be required to provide contraception coverage, but her insurance company will be required to offer contraceptive care free of charge.

The new policy ensures women can get contraception without paying a co-pay and addresses important concerns raised by religious groups by ensuring that objecting religious employers will not have to provide contraceptive coverage or refer women to organizations that provide contraception.

12.25pm: Moving on to the detail of the compromise, he says that "Women will still have access to free preventive care that includes contraceptive services", but if the woman's employer is a charity, then it will be for the insurance company "to reach out" and offer contraceptive care free of charge.

"No religious institution will have to pay for or provide contraceptive services directly", Obama says.

12.22pm: The president says he spoke to Catholic officials at the beginning of this, he says, to find a solution that "protects religious liberty". The president criticizes a "cynical desire on the part of some to make this into a political football".

12.18pm: He begins by sayin that 99% of women have used contraception in their lifetime, but more than half of all women between the ages of 18 and 34 have struggled to afford it.

12.16pm: Barack Obama is speaking now at the White House on the contraception compromise.

12.00pm: Awkward moment of the day:

11.47am: Wait long enough and you really will hear everything. In this case, Republican senator James Inhofe just approvingly quoted the Guardian while speaking at CPAC, on the subject of climate change. I doubt that will ever happen again in my lifetime.

Memo to Senator Inhofe: perhaps you'd like to quote from this Guardian article?

11.44am: Some hot opinion poll news: Fox News has a new national poll of Republicans showing that Rick Santorum is closing the gap with Mitt Romney.

The poll was conducted over four days and the final numbers had Romney with 33% and Santorum on 23%, followed by Newt Gingrich on 22% and Ron Paul on 15%. But in the polling that was done on 8-9 February – after Santorum's three wins in Missouri, Colorado and Minnesota – he rose to 30% while Romney drooped to 30% and Gingrich fell to 16%. (Before Tuesday's results, Romney was winning 35% and Santorum just 17%.)

Meanwhile, a new ARG poll from the Super Tuesday primary state of Tennessee shows Santorum leading with 34%, followed by Romney with 27%, Gingrich with 16%, and Ron Paul on 13%.

The poll was conducted on 8/9 February and shows some interesting splits among Tennessee Republicans:

Santorum leads with 40% among likely Republican primary voters saying they are supporters of the Tea Party, followed by Gingrich with 21%, Romney with 17%, and Paul with 11%. Among likely primary voters saying they are not supporters of the Tea Party or are undecided about the Tea Party, Romney leads with 34%, followed by Santorum with 29%, Paul with 14%, and Gingrich with 12%.

11.26am: The Guardian's Ewen MacAskill gives his reaction to Rick Santorum's address at CPAC:

I had anticipated a hero's welcome after winning the caucuses and primary this week. The thousands of conservatives packed into the ballroom of the Marriott should be his natural constituency. When he presented himself as the one true conservative in the race, meaning Romney is not, there was only sporadic applause and shouts of "Santorum". In his second pop at Romney, he said if a candidate could not excite the conservative base, what chance of winning in November? But that too only produced scattered bursts of applause.

The problem for Santorum at the CPAC is the same as for conservatives round the country. None of the field generating much enthusiasm. Bernadette Repisky, 46, a Tea Party person attending CPAC for the first time, is supporting Santorum but had hoped that Congressman Allan West, a Tea Party favourite, would stand. She had earlier supported Michelle Bachmann and then Cain. If Romney eventually wins, she will support him. "The main thing is to get Obama, that socialist-Marxist dictator out off the White House," she said.

When Romney's name was mentioned from the platform before Santorum spoke, there was a round of applause. So he has some support here.

I would expect Santorum to win the CPAC presidential straw poll, to be announced Saturday. But, given the state of flux in the Republican race, who can be sure.

It may be that Santorum was trying to do "serious and presidential" in his speech here but he certainly didn't set the crowd alight.

11.05am: Rick Santorum starts by piling onto Obamacare, and claims to have a quote from Margaret Thatcher's last day in office – that she could never achieve what Ronald Reagan achieved in America because of the National Health Service. God knows where he got that from. Margaret Thatcher had 11 years as prime minister and enjoyed some huge majorities in parliament. She looked at alternative funding models for the NHS and each was rejected as impractical or inefficient. Oh and here's
Margaret Thatcher's most famous quote on the subject: "The NHS is safe
in our hands."

It's a less than inspiring speech by Santorum, who should be hitting home runs in this ballpark. But he lights up when he gets on to the subject of the many sins of Mitt Romney, who he describes as creator of the Massachusetts state healthcare model that is "the stepchild of Obamacare". Stepchild? That doesn't make sense.

Santorum isn't naming Romney here but everyone knows exactly who he is talking about:

Ladies and gentlemen, we're not going to win with money. We are going to win with contrasts.

Santorum is taking it low-key here, he looks tired and sounds a little hoarse. Not a barnstorming speech, although he gets a standing ovation in the ballroom, which is packed. I'm surprised he didn't give it more oomph – this was his big chance.

10.49am: And now the billionaire Foster Friess is on stage at CPAC introducing Rick Santorum. It used to be that shadowy megarich puppetmasters used to stay behind the curtain. But thanks to Super Pacs and the Supreme Court, they can step proudly into the spotlight.

Friess is talking about how Santorum is all blue collar. "I make a lot of money. I don't like the fact that I'm discriminated against or even considered evil because of it," he says. Yes, because the extremely wealthy suffer such discrimination these days, don't they?

Foster Friess was wearing a Rick Santorum-label sweater vest. And he did tell a funny joke:

Recently, a conservative, a moderate and a liberal walked into a bar. The bartender says: 'Hi Mitt.'

And now here's Rick Santorum, in fact the entire Santorum family. "It's not the Von Trapp family," says Rick, which frankly is a shame. I am loath to be cruel about a candidate's offspring. Let's just say that in the case of one of his daughters, there is no doubt whatsoever that Rick Santorum is her biological father.

10.48am: On the controversy over religious institutions forced to offer contraception via the healthcare mandate: President Obama is going to address the subject at 12.15pm this afternoon, according to the White House. That slots Obama neatly between Rick Santorum (10.25am) and Mitt Romney (12.40pm) at CPAC today, and possibly shoot their fox.

Is there a compromise on the cards? The White House won't be calling it that for optical reasons but is saying that the healthcare insurer – rather than the employer, in the case of religious institutions – would be responsible for providing contraceptive coverage. What that means is that if, for example, a religious institution, objects to contraception coverage, the health insurance companies will be required to contact individual employees who are policy holder and give coverage directly at no cost.

If that doesn't make sense, think of it this way: If a religious institution (or any employers, it's not yet clear what the scope is) objects to having offer free contraceptive coverage as part of its employees health insurance, the insurance company will have to offer the coverage directly to individual employees at no cost.

10.46am: Back here at CPAC, a huge crowd is waiting to hear the big three Republican presidential candidates. Rick Santorum is supposed to be speaking at 10.25 am, followed by Mitt Romney at 12.40pm and Newt Gingrich at 4pm.

Earlier this morning Mitt Romney spoke to a breakfast hosted by the Northern Virginia Technology Council, in which he told the audience: "I know it seems like government doesn't like you. I love you." Which is not at all strange.

10.40am: Before we get under way properly, here's a summary of what's happening in the campaign scene at CPAC and beyond, from Ryan Devereaux.

The top three contenders for the Republican presidential nomination – Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich – will be speaking at day two of CPAC. Mitt Romney is expected to discuss his record as governor of Massachusetts, Rick Santorum will reaffirm his pitch as the true conservative candidate, and Newt Gingrich will be introduced by his wife Callista, an interesting choice for a conservative audience, given that CPAC is broadly focused on social conservative issues and Callista was formerly Newt's mistress.

Sheldon Adelson, Gingrich's mega financial-backer, may be on the verge of withdrawing his support for the former house speaker. Bloomberg News reports the casino magnate's family, which has donated $11m in the last two months, won't be writing Gingrich any more big checks. Losing such big money support would likely be a crushing blow – at the end of last month Gingrich announced his team was down to its last $600,000.

Romney seems to be having few problems on the financial side of his campaign. According to Politico, he raked in over $1.3m at fundraiser roundtable in Washington last night. The event was closed to the press, but sources say there were over 700 people in attendance, including big names in healthcare and national security. Santorum is enjoying an influx of money as well, at least according to his aides. Yesterday Mike Biundo, Santorum's campaign manager, tweeted that the former senator has received $2m in donations since clean-sweep Tuesday night.

Rick Santorum has attempted to clarify comments he made regarding women serving in military combat. The former Pennsylvania senator raised eyebrows when he said he had "concerns" about women in combat roles due to "other types of emotions that are involved." Santorum appeared on NBC's "Today" show this morning and pointed out that men have a "natural" emotional inclination to feel protective over women, particularly when they are in dangerous situations. "When you have men and women together in combat, I think men have the emotions when you see a woman in harm's way. I think that's something that's natural, that's very much in our culture to be protective."

10.30am: Today the Republican presidential campaign moves to a hotel in the nation's capital, where Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich are speaking to the Conservative Political Action Conference, an annual gathering of Republican activists.

If Washington DC is like Hollywood for ugly people, then CPAC in an election year is its Universal Studios lot, a veritable "Who's that?" of American politics.

The toughest sell today will be Mitt Romney's address at 12.40pm. Mistrusted and disliked by many conservative activists – you can purchase a pair of "Mitt Romney flip-flops" at a stall at the CPAC venue – Romney will want to make a play for conservative bona fides as well as his economic credentials.

For Santorum and Gingrich it is likely to be a much friendlier crowd – and the two may want to score points off one another. Santorum's recent victories in Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri make him the hero of the hour but Gingrich isn't queuing up to praise him. A campaign schedule distributed by the Gingrich campaign this morning describes Santorum's address at CPAC as "In defense of big labour" while Romney is namechecked as "Author of Obamneycare".

Underneath the talking heads at CPAC is the gathering controversy over the White House's healthcare mandate enforcing access to contraception by religious institutions. The lack of a specific exemption for religious institutions has provoked an uproar, led by the Catholic church and picked up by Christian evangelicals. The latest news is that the White House is preparing to move to soften its line. But how far remains a mystery:

Outside the Beltway bubble, there is a Republican contest going on in Maine that ends tomorrow. As they used to say: "As goes Maine, so goes the nation," and Mitt Romney is going to Maine as soon as he has finished at CPAC, speaking this evening at a rally at Portland Yacht Services. Because nothing says "man of the people" than hanging around yachts.

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