• State media reports many casualties in Aleppo bomb attacks
• Confusion over Free Syrian Army claim of responsibility
• Residents trapped in Homs as the week-long siege goes on
• Obama condemns 'outrageous bloodshed'
Read the latest summary
We're going to wrap up the blog for now.
has posted on Facebook a satellite image of the assault on Homs.
The US embassy in Syria_
has filed a dispatch from near Homs, where he attended a demonstration to denounce the regime of Bashar al-Assad.
Martin Chulov of the GuardianMany have a feeling that hard-worn freedoms may soon be lost, writes Martin, who also observed that Syria's sectarian divide was on clear display:
No one was prepared to take the Guardian to any of the five Allawite families – the powerful sect of which Assad is a member, and who run the elite institutions of the country – who are believed to remain in town.
"They're too scared to talk," said one man at the demonstration. Another interrupted him: "If they did talk to you, they wouldn't tell you the truth because the regime will target them."
A third man offered his view, which promptly ended the argument. "They're not loyal, they would tell the regime that you are here." Everyone listening seemed to agree.
Sectarianism clearly touches a nerve, with the almost exclusively Sunni population of this town. Despite that, the people play to prejudices, which they seem unable to set aside.
A self-fulfilling prophecy seems well on the way to being realised, if this forsaken corner of the Sunni heartland is any guide.
"Assad is trying to incite a sectarian war," said one man after being assured that his identity would be protected.
"There has never been talk [among the Syrian people] of Sunni, Shia, Allawite or Christian. Assad is setting the people against each other."
C.J. Chivers, a correspondent of the New York Times and the author of "The Gun," a social history of the AK-47, has been responding to a request for information on the source of munitions being used to bombard Homs.
The request was made on Thursday by a blogger who writes on Twitter as @ArabSpringFF, and who posted an image (below) of what was said to be an unexploded shell.
In a personal blog post that has been replicated on the New York Times site, Chivers says that questions about the sourcing of weapons used in the conflict will become more pressing as the violence intestifies:
It will not be enough to know that a given weapon was manufactured in a given year in a given place during the cold war.
That kind of information will be interesting, at least to people like me. Much more important and of much broader use will be identifying exactly who provided it to Syria, and when.
Imagine this: It would be one thing to show that a 107-millimeter rocket that hit a house in which civilians died was made in China. But what if it was shipped to Syria 25 years ago? It would be another to discover that it was shipped to Syria in recent months, after the bloody crackdown was under way.
All of this can be done. And yes, China is certainly a suspect in arming Syria, as are many other states. The trick now lies, as always, in the facts and details, to be assembled over time, one by one.
Can anyone identify this type of shell being used to bomb Homs? It's massive. twitter.com/ArabSpringFF/s…
— Arab Spring (@ArabSpringFF) February 9, 2012
clashes between pro- and anti-Assad factions in the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli, Agence France Presse (AFP) has been told by Lebanese security officials.
Two soldiers were wounded today inThe fighting took place in the neighborhoods of Bab al-Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen.
"There is a heavy armed presence and shooting in the Sunni Muslim neighborhood of Bab al-Tabbaneh and the Alawite neighborhood of Jabal Mohsen," a security official told AFP.
"One person driving by was injured in the gunfire."
He said the army had deployed in both neighborhoods earlier in the day, but later retreated to a street dividing the two sides.
Al Jazeera' Sue Turton also had this report from Tripoli earlier in the day.
Switzerland is unfreezing roughly 3 million euros held in a Geneva bank by a cousin of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, according to a court ruling.
Reuters reports that the money, held by Hafez Makhlouf, head of a branch of Syrian state security, was frozen in April when he was trying to conclude a property deal in Syria:
However, it was then unfrozen in September after he appealed in absentia because it predated sanctions imposed by the Swiss in May over the Syrian government's crackdown on the uprising against the president, according to the Swiss court ruling.
This latest ruling, made public after a hearing in January, rejects a last-ditch effort by Swiss prosecutors to keep the funds frozen on grounds of suspected money-laundering. The Swiss government declined to comment.
Makhlouf is a powerful figure in Assad's inner circle. He is also the brother of billionaire businessman Rami Makhlouf(left), who was a target of protesters in the early days of the uprising because of allegations of corruption, which he denies.
He was not named in the court ruling, but identified by his title and his relationship to Assad. The prosecutor was ordered to pay Makhlouf 1,800 Swiss francs to cover his costs.
Switzerland expanded the sanctions against Syria in May to include Assad and other senior officials in an attempt to raise pressure on his government to end the crackdown on protesters.
It said in December it had frozen 50 million Swiss francs of funds belonging to Assad and other top officials.
The Al Arabiya satellite channel has sent out this tweet:
#BreakingNews: Clashes between Syrian security forces and defected army elements in Damascus: opposition group
— Al Arabiya English (@AlArabiya_Eng) February 10, 2012
Ben Quinn taking over the blog.
Good evening. This isReporters taken on a government-arranged visit to Aleppo in the wake of the blasts there saw a heavily armoured vehicle which had been tossed on its side by the force of one of the blasts, according to reuters.
Officials said the blasts were caused by explosives packed in two white minibuses, similar to those used by Syrian security forces. Reuters adds:
Windows in the five-storey intelligence building, about 50 metres (yards) from the site of the explosion, had been been blown out.
A reporter on state television, in a live broadcast from outside the complex shortly after the bombs shook Aleppo, said at least one blast had been audible 20 km (12 miles) away.
A concrete wall surrounding the buildings was badly damaged. Lifting blankets and plastic sheets which had been laid over corpses on the pavement, the reporter showed a body with its head blown off and other bloodied human remains including a limbless torso and a blown off foot.
"We apologise for showing these pictures, but this is the terrorism which is targeting us," the reporter said, at times choking with emotion.
He said children were among the dead, showing a single rollerblade left on the pavement.
Here's a summary of events so far today.
• Syrian state media said 28 people were killed and 275 injured in two bomb attacks on security compounds in the country's second city of Aleppo. The government blamed terrorists for the attack, while activists accused the regime of president Bashar al-Assad of staging the attack to discredit the opposition. The timing of the attacks, the way they were reported, and the subsequent dispute about who is to blame, resemble attacks in Damascus in December and January.
• One commander in the Free Syrian Army claimed it carried out the attacks, while two other spokesmen for the rebel group denied responsibility. The confusion underlines the chaotic leadership of the group.
• An activist group has warned of a deteriorating situation in the besieged town of Zabadani, near the Lebanese border. The town was described by some last month as the first liberated area in the country but the Local Co-ordination Committees (LCC) said electricity and water has been cut off and food and medical supplies are scare. The LCC said there were bodies lying in the streets and at least seven people had been killed today but more than 200 were missing.
• Residents and activists in the central city of Homs are preparing for a ground invasion by the Syrian army, after a week-long bombardment that has claimed hundreds of lives. "People are readying themselves for what they anticipate will be a final onslaught," Martin Chulov reports from the outskirts of the city. More than 30 people have been killed today in the Babr Amr district of Homs, Abo Emad, a student from the area, told the Guardian. Emad claimed the ground invasion had already begun. The LCC put the death toll in Homs at 16 today, out of 53 people killed across the country. It said 15 were killed in Damascus suburbs (including Zabadani) and 13 in Aleppo. Its figures cannot be independently verified by the Guardian.
• An activist group has warned of a deteriorating situation in the besieged town of Zabadani, near the Lebanese border. The town was described by some last month as the first liberated area in the country but the Local Co-ordination Committees (LCC) said electricity and water has been cut off and food and medical supplies are scare. The LCC said there were bodies lying in the streets and at least seven people had been killed today but more than 200 were missing.
• A narrow majority of French people would back a UN-authorised military intervention in Syria, according to a new poll. A similar exercise in Britain found that the majority were opposed to military intervention, but would back the imposition of a no-fly zone.
• Protests have taken place across Syria to demonstrate solidarity with the people of Homs and to express opposition to Russia's continuing support to the Assad regime. The theme of the post-Friday prayer protests was "Russia is killing our children". Deputy foreign minister Sergey Ryabkov accused the west of arming the Syrian opposition and threatened "drastic measures" if the alleged interference did not stop. He also suggested Moscow would continue to veto any UN proposals aimed at ousting President Assad from power.
• The UN's general assembly is due to discuss Syria on Monday, a UN official has confirmed. The UN human rights chief, Navi Pillay, is due to speak at the session. She has repeatedly said the Assad regime should be referred to the international criminal court for crimes against humanity.
The Local Co-ordination Committees says 52 people have been confirmed killed by the security forces in Syria today. Homs once again saw the biggest death toll with 16. There were also 15 in Damascus Suburbs, 13 in Aleppo, five in Deraa, two in Deir Ezzor and one in Hama, according to the LCC.
Its report cannot be independently verified.
he Local Co-ordination Committees group paints a dire picture of the situation in Zabadani, the rebel-held town close to the Lebanese border. It says seven people are known to have been killed there today:
In a lengthier report than usual, tThe brutal shelling of Zabadany continues into its sixth consecutive day, with over 150 mortar and artillery shells dropped on various parts of the city, resulting in the complete demolition of seven homes and partial destruction of 40 homes, the complete demolition of Maree mosque and the city's church, and damging two other mosques. Since the beginning of the shelling, 35 homes have been completely destroyed and 400 homes have been damaged.
Today, seven people were martyred and forty people were injured. Known among the martyrs are: two young men from the Zaleikha family, a young man from the Dalati family, a young man from the Nasab family, a child from the Shamali family and Akarm Olbeh. This is in addition to over two hundred missing people, whose whereabouts are unknown, especially considering that ruins cannot be cleared due to the intensity of the fire.
The brutal shelling targeted the entire infrastructure of the city, the electricity network was targeted, the garage of the civil defense and the fire trucks, Al Jarjaniah hospital, the electricity generators, even the spare ones, all were targeted ... On the human side, the city is suffering from water scarcity because there is no electricity to pump the water to the houses, all the rations [are] finished from the city which is being besieged since more than 10 days [ago] ...all kind of food, fuel or anything similar were not allowed to enter the city since then. On the healthcare side, all the medical supplies, including medical gauze finished, while tens of injured are still in the city as there are no safe way to transfer them to another place.
The military forces are located now on the south entrance ...about 300m from the city's entrance, storming is expected at any moment. The military forces include more than 30,000 soldiers, more than 300 tanks and armoured vehicles.
Restricted access for foreign journalists means the Guardian cannot independently verify this LCC report.
warning: very graphic images in link).
Syrian state media has raised the death toll from today's blasts in Aleppo to 28, with 275 injured (It also continues to present its own alternative version of events in Babr Amr, in Homs:
Armed terrorist groups on Friday detonated a number of booby-trapped houses in Baba Amr neighborhood in Homs with the aim of terrifying citizens and to give the impression that the Army is shelling the neighborhood.
A source at the governorate told Sana correspondent that military engineering units dismantled 15 explosive devices, weighing between 10 to 15 kg, which the armed terrorist groups planted at some streets and houses in the neighborhood to target civilians and law-enforcement forces.
The conflict looks quite different to viewers of two English-language satellite channels owned by the governments of Syria's allies, Russia and Iran.
On those channels, the conflict in Syria is presented largely the same way that it has been since the start of the uprising by Syria's own, state-run media, as an assault on a legitimate government with popular support by groups of armed terrorists.
So, for example, a news bulletin on Iran's state-controlled Press TV on Thursday made no use of activist video, but focused instead on the claim that a leader of the rebel Free Syrian Army in Homs was killed by government forces. In the Press TV report, the commander said to have been killed, Abdul Razzaq Talas, a military defector, was described as "the ringleader of the so-called Al Farouk militant group" ...
Russia Today, a Kremlin-financed channel that finds fault with Vladimir V. Putin's government about as often as Fox News produces exposés on the Republican Party, also presents the situation in Syria as a conflict between armed groups, not a government crackdown on what started as a peaceful protest movement. Unlike the Iranian channel, the Russian network does acknowledge the claims of activists, although it also regularly broadcasts interviews with pundits who deride the opposition as terrorists.
see 2.51pm). This picture shows opposition fighters in a show of strength on the streets of Idlib.
Earlier, we referred to Sky News special correspondent Alex Crawford reporting live from a demonstration in Idlib, in north-west Syria, saying that it is currently "free" (Crawford added that people in Idlib are fearful that it will be "the next Homs".
A frightening video purportedly filmed today in Dael, in Deraa, in southern Syria, shows protesters armed with stones being chased by a tank through the streets.
Deraa is where the uprising against Bashar al-Assad began, almost 11 months ago.
An man who said he is a resident of Zabadani spoke to our colleague Mona Mahmood via Skype. Ilyas al-Zabadani told her:
The bombing has been continuous since dawn. We believe the bombing is done by Grad rockets [manufactured in Soviet bloc]. Some of the bombs have been falling in the middle of the street, some on houses, they are just shooting at random. Many people in the centre are cut off from the internet and electricity. We don't have the number of the injured because the communications are cut between us.
Emad Mahou, an activist from the Syrian Revolution Co-ordinators Union, who was in Zabadani but has now left the area, told the Guardian he had spoken to a friend in the town for five minutes on a mobile phone. Mahou said:
There has been heavy shooting since the early hours of the morning. The government is bombing with tanks. There are around 20 martyrs, so many injuries. The situation there is so hard.
On Wednesday Zabadani activist Fares Mohamad said the town was surrounded by up to 300 tanks. At the time he said 18 people had been killed in an assault that began last Saturday.
The former opposition stronghold of Zabadani resisting a continual assault
Shakeeb al-Jabri, a Syrian activist who comes from the town but is based over the border in Lebanon, has a series of unverified updates about the latest fighting in and around the town:
Neither Zabadani nor Madaya have fallen to Assad's forces despite the constant shelling for the sixth day. #Syria 1
— Shakeeb Al-Jabri (@LeShaque) February 10, 2012
Yesterday the regime forces attempted to storm Madaya after shelling it relentless all day long. #Syria 2
— Shakeeb Al-Jabri (@LeShaque) February 10, 2012
The FSA and the youths in Madaya set up an ambush and forced the regime forces back to the outskirts. #Syria 3
— Shakeeb Al-Jabri (@LeShaque) February 10, 2012
Since then, all attempts by regime forces to storm Madaya have failed miserably with casualties on both sides. #Syria 4
— Shakeeb Al-Jabri (@LeShaque) February 10, 2012
Neither Zabadani nor Madaya deny that the towns' youths, civilians, are involved in resistance against regime forces. #Syria 5
— Shakeeb Al-Jabri (@LeShaque) February 10, 2012
Services such as water and power have been cut to both towns for 13 days now. They are only available a few hours every few days. #Syria 6
— Shakeeb Al-Jabri (@LeShaque) February 10, 2012
Madaya and Zabadani are farm towns but other food supplies are running low. #Syria 7
— Shakeeb Al-Jabri (@LeShaque) February 10, 2012
The displacement of residents from the 2 towns has increased the pressure on Bloudan's (higher up) food supplies. #Syria 8
— Shakeeb Al-Jabri (@LeShaque) February 10, 2012
Baba Amr in Homs shows tanks shelling the neighbourhood.
New video fromThe commentary says the footage was filmed today, but it cannot be verified.
More than 30 people have been killed in the Baba Amr of Homs today, Abo Emad, an engineering student from the area, told the Guardian. He said they died under the continuing bombardment of the area and by army snipers. "They are targeting anything that moves," he said.
I've seen a lot of bodies and injured people on the street. Some of them were screaming 'please help us'. Unfortunately we can't help really help them.
He said the fact that demonstrations had taken place today in Homs showed that activists were indefatigable.
We are not going to surrender. Even if we lose everything. Just staying alive is fighting back, because they are trying to kill us all. If we had enough weapons here in Syria we would have made the regime fall a long time ago.
We are not afraid of anything right now. We have gone past that point. Of course when someone near you gets killed you are frightened, but after a while your activity comes back. You feel that you have to complete the way your father or brother took... by doing anything you can.
Emad claimed a ground invasion of Homs is already beginning to happen. He said: "Yesterday and the day before they [the army] and entered the Inshaat neighbourhood, near Bab Amro. And they have thrown the people out of their homes."
He added: "The Free Syrian Army isn't getting help from anyone." It is fighting back but it can't hold off the regular army, he said. "You can't fight a tank by Kalashnikov, you can't fight an aeroplane by RPG. We are asking the international community to support the Free Syrian Army."
People are sharing everything they have to survive, he said. Emad said the electricity and communications in the area had been cut, but that he was communicating via a satellite internet connection powered by a generator.
He said: "Our laptops are very important to tell the whole world what's going on here in Syria."
Russia has escalated the war of words over its veto of the UN resolution on Syria by accusing the west of arming the Syrian opposition and warning that it will resort to "drastic measures" if the interference doesn't stop.
Deputy foreign minister Sergey Ryabkov is quoted by the Itar-Tass news agency as saying:
Another supposedly "free" area,Western states inciting Syrian opposition to uncompromising actions, as well as those sending arms to them, giving them advice and direction, are participating in the process of fomenting the crisis ...
The UN council is not a tool for intervention in internal affairs and is not the agency to decide which government is to be next in one country or another. If our foreign partners don't understand that, we will have to use drastic measures to return them to real grounds."
The violent shelling of the town with rockets and cannons by the regime's army continues. There are dead bodies scattered in the streets and [they] cannot be pulled out, and many wounded that cannot be treated because of the deteriorating humanitarian condition which the city is suffering from. There is a severe shortage of medical supplies and food, as well as complete communication, electricity and water cut. The city is now completely isolated because of the heavy siege
Sky News special correspondent Alex Crawford spoke live from a demonstration in Idlib today. She said Idlib, in north-west Syria, is currently "free" but people believe it will be the next to receive the treatment dished out to Homs. They say the army have already been gathering in a town nearby.
Crawford said people were "building up for an attack and [are] expecting the Syrian regime, military vehicles. to be heading into this area".
She said there is a "feeling of rebellion and defiance but also some trepidation about what's going to happen next".
Demonstrations have taken place in parts of Homs, despite the reports of a continuing assault, according video footage.
This clip shows a large protest in the Qosoor district in the north of the city.
An activist said demonstrations are managing to take place in some areas despite the presence of the regime's forces in surrounding areas.
Shelling has continued in some areas but not all, he said.
Another clip purported to show a protest in the Malaab area of Homs.
The UN's general assembly is due to discuss Syria on Monday, a UN official has confirmed.
The UN's human rights chief Navi Pillay is due to speak at the session after repeatedly saying that the Assad regime should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity, Harretz reported.
"We believe, and we've said it and we'll keep repeating it, that the case of Syria belongs in the International Criminal Court. This would give a very, very strong message to those running the show," Rupert Colville, spokesman for UN Pillay, told a news briefing.
Pillay will address a UN General Assembly session on Syria being held in New York on Monday, Colville said. "I believe they are considering a resolution, what it will contain I don't know," he added
A spokesman for the Free Syrian Army has told the Guardian that it was not responsible for the bombing in Aleppo.
Lieutenant Omar, who said he was part of the FSA's al-Farouk brigade based in the al-Qasair district of Homs, said: "Don't believe it, the Free Syrian Army is not responsible."
Speaking to our colleague Mona Mahmood, he said:
They are claiming we are responsible, for trying to stop people demonstrating.
We never use car bombs. Yes we might use IEDs [improvised explosive devices] we might use guns, but we don't use car bombs. It is not in our interests, because it would give us a bad reputation.
Look at the timing of the attack. Aleppo has just started to join the protests - which is good for us. If we put a car bomb in Aleppo it would stop people demonstrating there.
There are so many checkpoints in Aleppo, you could never get to a security compound to blow it up. It's impossible.
Omar also claimed five defected soldiers were killed in the continuing assault on Homs. They include a colonel who he named as Ahmed Jumrek. He named two of the victims as Dhiya Albeen Jamoul and Muhammed al-Diri.
Omar also said the FSA had reports that the Syrian was moving 80 tanks towards Homs from the coastal areas of Tartus and Latakia.
While the Syrian government says 25 people have been killed and 175 injured by "terrorist" bomb blasts in Aleppo, opposition activists claim security forces have been killing protesters in the city.
It also accuses security forces of kidnapping four of the corpses.
The Guardian cannot independently verify the LCC's reports.
This video shows people burning a Russian flag in el-Atareb, in Idlib, north-west Syria.
Syrian protesters continue to show their anger towards the Russian regime.Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah has become the latest leader to condemn the Russian and Chinese veto of a UN resolution on Syria.
He said on Saudi state TV:
There is no doubt that the confidence of the world in the United Nations has been shaken. Unfortunately, what happened in the UN, in my opinion, is an unfavorable initiative.
Activists in Saudi Arabia said a Shia protester was killed there on Thursday.
Here's a summary of events so far today.
• Syrian state media said at least 25 people were killed in two bomb attacks on security compounds in the country's second city of Aleppo. The government blamed terrorists for the attack, while activists accused the regime of president Bashar al-Assad of staging the attack to discredit the opposition. The timing of the attacks, the way they were reported, and the subsequent dispute about who is to blame, resemble attacks in Damascus in December and January.
• One commander in the Free Syrian Army claimed it carried out the attacks, while other spokesmen for the rebel group have denied responsibility. The confusion underlines the chaotic leadership of the group.
• Residents and activists in the central city of Homs are preparing for a ground invasion by the Syrian army, after a week-long bombardment that has claimed hundreds of lives. "People are readying themselves for what they anticipate will be a final onslaught," Martin Chulov reports from the outskirts of the city.
• A narrow majority of French people would back a UN-authorised military intervention in Syria, according to a new poll. A similar exercise in Britain found that the majority were opposed to military intervention, but would back the imposition of a no-fly zone.
• Protests have taken place across Syria to demonstrate solidarity with the people of Homs and to express opposition to Russia's continuing support to the Assad regime. The theme of the post-Friday prayer protests is "Russia is killing our children". A senior Russian official suggested Moscow would continue to veto any UN proposals aimed at ousting President Assad from power.
• Barack Obama has condemned the "outrageous bloodshed" in Syria, as the US upped it rhetoric against the Assad government. The US ambassador to Syria, Robert Ford, said a peaceful transition of power was not possible while "one side constantly initiates attacks against people taking shelter in their homes".
This map shows the two main flashpoints in Syria today.
Meanwhile, demonstrations on the theme "Russia is killing our children" are taking place across the country.
Different arms of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) continue to say different things about the bombings in Aleppo. Its response is only likely to raise further questions about the leadership within the opposition movement.
The BBC quotes Colonel Arif al-Hamoud - the same FSA member cited by al-Jazeera's Rula Amin earlier (see 11.06am) - as saying:
What happened in Aleppo was just an explosion. A car bomb is not our style, we didn't do that.
What happened in Aleppo was a military attack against military intelligence, with shells, rockets and bombs. A number of walls collapsed and there were some people killed from the military base. This was not a car bomb but a military operation.
The BBC says the deputy head of the FSA, Colonel Malik al-Kurdi, confirmed the claim.
But the Syrian National Council has published a statement (in Arabic) it says is by the FSA, in which the renegade army "categorically denies" any connection to the bombings in Aleppo.
The theme of this Friday's protest in Syria is "Russia is killing our children".
In Amouda, near the Turkish border, protesters held banners saying: "Russia stop supplying the butcher with weapons, stop using your veto".
Russia remains undeterred.
A senior Russian official signaled that Moscow will continue of veto any resolution aimed at ousting Syrian President Bashar Assad from power.
AP reports:
Unlike the British,Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said Moscow would thwart any attempts by the West and major Arab powers to oust Assad using the United Nations.
"If our foreign partners don't understand that, we will have to use strong means again and again to call them back to reality," he was quoted as saying by the ITAR-Tass news agency.
A survey published on Wednesday showed that the majority of Britons oppose military intervention in Syria, although 60% would support a no-fly zone.
But a poll published today shows that 51% of French people would support UN-backed military action in Syria. That is a higher percentage than supported the UN mission in Libya (36%) that helped oust Muammar Gaddafi. Britain and France were the two main cheerleaders of the Libya mission.
The survey published today was carried out by pollster IFOP for right-leaning information website Atlantico
Speaking via satellite phone he said:
The bombing campaign into al-Khalidiyeh and Baba Amr and the surrounding areas has been very intense for the last week or so. There has been manoeuvring in the 12 hours in areas of Homs where they haven't moved before. People are readying themselves for what they do anticipate will be a final onslaught to follow the softening up with all this artillery and bombing.
Martin added:
It is a relatively calm morning compared to the last couple of days. There was a lot of shelling overnight, there's been gunfire this morning. But the midday prayers are under way now, demonstrations are likely to gather in the towns and villages surrounding Homs, and inside Homs itself, and that will give us some idea of how the rest of the day will pan out.
People in the area are wary of state media reports of bomb attacks in Aleppo Martin says.
Every time we hear reports in this area about car bombs or suicide bombs, they are treated with wide scepticism, by the people here who seek us out and say 'there are no terrorists, there are no Salafists'. These things are either being staged by the regime [they say] or they are being cast as legitimate acts of resistance by the Free Syrian Army.
The regime has been quite vehement from day one that this is an armed uprising backed by foreign states. And that they are fighting mostly terrorism rather than legitimate opposition groups. The battle of control of the narrative is just as important as the battle itself.
Martin also described the composition of the rebel fighters:
Most of the Free Syria Army people, that we are dealing with, are military defectors. There are lot of older men amongst them who did military service, and they have taken up weapons again. And there are a smaller group of local businessmen, medics and various other people, who no longer have any work in these towns. They have joined the resistance cause as well. They have picked up weapons in many case, or are simply supporting the resistance fighters by establishing supply lines.
see 11.06am), FSA media spokesperson Captain Ammar al-Wawi told Channel 4 News that the regime was seeking to distract the world's attention from the massacres in Homs. He was quoted as saying:
Different people within the Free Syrian Army are saying different things about the attacks in Aleppo. While General Aref Hamoud told al-Jazeera's Rula Amin it had attacked two security targets, but not killed civilians (
I know this headquarter [sic] very well. It's strongly protected and no cars are allowed to park there [the regime claims a car bomb caused the explosions]. Usually it's full of security members, how come we don't have large numbers of death among them? This explosion has two goals: drawing the attention and pretext for the army to enter Aleppo since the rallies have started there.
Amin acknowledged that the FSA had initially distanced itself from the blasts but said it was now admitting to attacks on the security targets.
a member of the Free Syrian Army told her that they did carry out attacks in Aleppo.
General Aref Hamoud of the Free syrian army says #FSAattackedtwo security compounds in #Aleppo#Syria
— Rula Amin (@RulaAmin) February 10, 2012
Speaking on al-Jazeera, Amin said that the FSA described the military compounds as "legitimate targets" and said that if any civilians were killed they were killed by members of the regular army trying to fire at the FSA attackers. The FSA said it attacked with mortars and rocket-propelled grenades, Amin said.
warning: link contains very graphic images).
Syrian state media is now reporting 25 killed and 175 wounded in the Aleppo bomb blasts, citing the health ministry (Despite the blasts, people are demonstrating in Aleppo, according to the Local Co-ordination Committees (LCC) activist group. Aleppo is Syria's second biggest city and to date has seen only relatively small and sporadic demonstrations compared to elsewhere in the country. The LCC says people are chanting in support of Homs.
It reports a number of demonstrations in solidarity with Homs across Syria, including in Deraa, Idlib, al-Hasakeh, Qamishli and the Damascus suburbs.
livestreaming video of the skyline of Babr Amr.
Once more activists areAt present not much can be seen but the sound of shelling can be heard.
Gruesome TV footage of the bomb blasts in Aleppo has been uploaded ontoAyat Basma, a Beirut-based reporter for Reuters, tweets a sample of what Syrian TV is showing from the aftermath of the reported bomb blasts in Aleppo.
Dissident Syrian bloggerImage from syria state tv broadcast frm Aleppo , medics showing remains of bodies twitter.com/AyatBasma/stat…
— Ayat Basma (@AyatBasma) February 10, 2012
"They are intentionally destroying members of a certain religious group," he claims.
When the Guardian quoted residents of Homs describing the attack as "genocidal", a reader complained that this was an incorrect and immoral use of the term.
The reader, who gave his name as Joseph, wrote:
The definition of genocide is: "the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group". Your writers, and the writers of many other publications, use it incorrectly all too often. What is happening in Syria is tragic, certainly could be called a crime against humanity, etc, but it is not genocide. It is civil war. Misusing genocide as frequently and mainstream journalists seem to love to do is inappropriate, unprofessional, and immoral in the sense that it is crying wolf and diminishing the severity of the word and the magnitude of the times genocide has actually occurred.
Syria TV is reported to be showing the remains of people the government claims were blown up by terrorists in Aleppo.
It was quick to broadcast similar images of the apparent victims of the blasts in Damascus.
A weeping television presenter on state-run TV showed graphic footage of at least five corpses, saying the blasts went off near a public garden where children had been playing. Debris filled the street and residential buildings appeared to have their windows shattered.
Activists continue to suspect the attack is a propaganda ploy.
Blow up people then broadcast the gory aftermath on morning TV. What an utterly disgusting regime! #Aleppo
— BSyria (@BSyria) February 10, 2012
Martin Chulov, who is near Homs, says fighting has been less intense so far today.
Quiet so far near #Homs today. Rainy morning cleared & crowds gathering for rally. Gunfire crackling, but not like y'day #Syria
— Martin Chulov (@martinchulov) February 10, 2012
Intense battle this town near #Homs yday. Heavy FSA casualties. Medical clinic over-run. "They're coming for us," one Dr said. He's right
— Martin Chulov (@martinchulov) February 10, 2012
state media said the bombs in Aleppo targeted a military security branch and a police headquarters.
Syria'sThe reported attacks come after similar Friday bomb attacks in Damascus on 23 December and 6 January. Activists claimed the Assad regime staged those attacks. Scepticism has also greeted reports from Aleppo.
Two explosions rock Aleppo, obviously another Regime charade on the bodies of innocent civilians and some of its cronies #syria
— Ahmad Shaheen (@Ahmad_Shaheen) February 10, 2012
(all times GMT) Welcome to Middle East Live. "A grinding war of attrition has now become an unforgiving battle to the death," the Guardian's Martin Chulov reports from the outskirts of Homs. We hope to be hearing more frontline updates from Martin, later.
For now here's a roundup of the latest developments:
• Two explosions have hit Syria's second city of Aleppo, killing civilians and members of the security forces, according to state media. The state news agency Sana blamed terrorists for the attack.
• Syrian troops sealed off the population of a rebel stronghold in the city of Homs on Thursday and bombarded it using tanks, helicopters and artillery, as the international community struggled to find a common voice with which to confront President Bashar al-Assad. Eyewitnesses said roads in and out of Baba Amr, in the south-east of Homs, were blocked, preventing the evacuation of children or the wounded, and food, water and medicine were running out fast in the besieged suburb.
• All day medics at a makeshift triage centre tended dead and seriously wounded men, many of them members of the badly outgunned Free Syrian Army, Martin Chulov reports near Homs. A medical student told him:
There have been more than 100 people killed today. We all have family in Homs and we are very worried about the situation there. It is much worse than here. Every day it has been getting worse here and there. No one is coming for us and we accept our fate.
• Robert Ford, the US ambassador to Syria who was recalled last week, has spoken of his "horror and revulsion" at the Syrian government assault on Homs. In a Facebook update he posted satellite images showing evidence of mortar attacks on Homs.
He wrote:
It is odd to me that anyone would try to equate the actions of the Syrian army and armed opposition groups since the Syrian government consistently initiates the attacks on civilian areas, and it is using its heaviest weapons ...
As the United States' Ambassador to Syria I will work with colleagues in Washington to support apeaceful transition for the Syrian people. We and our international partners hope to see a transition that reaches out and includes all of Syria's communities and that gives all Syrians hope for a better future. My year in Syria tells me such a transition is possible, but not when one side constantly initiates attacks against people taking shelter in their homes.
• A compilation of clips from the last 24 hours shows some of the latest violence in Homs and Idlib. The footage includes a Free Syrian Army attack on a military checkpoint in Homs.
• Barack Obama has condemned the "outrageous bloodshed" in Syria. Speaking after a meeting with the Italian prime minister Mario Monti, he said:
We discussed a wide range of diplomatic concern, including the situation in Syria, where we both have a great interest in ending the outrageous bloodshed that we've seen and seeing a transition from the current government that has been assaulting its people.
• Middle East analyst Marc Lynch sets out six reasons why the international community should not arm the Syrian opposition. Summing up his arguments in Foreign Policy magazine, he writes:
Arming the Syrian opposition is not a cheap and effective substitute for military intervention, and it is not a generally harmless way to "do something." It does not guarantee either the protection of the Syrian people or the end of the Assad regime. It is more likely to produce a protracted stalemate, increased violence, more regional and international meddling, and eventual calls for direct military intervention. It's probably going to happen whether or not the United States plays a role, though -- but at least we should know what we're getting into.
• The Muslim Brotherhood, which dominates the new parliament, has called for the Egypt's military rulers to cede power immediately, the New York Times reports. The Brotherhood, had previously said it was content to wait for the June deadline by which the generals had pledged to turn over power.
• Bahrain should stop prosecuting "all persons accused of offences involving political expression," US chief human rights envoy said, the LA Times reports. Assistant secretary of state Michael Posner expressed concerns about police using excessive force, including "widespread and sometimes indiscriminate use of tear gas." But he also condemned protesters for attacking police with Molotov cocktails and urged them to eschew violence next week, the one-year anniversary of the protests.