There has been little coverage of the escalating crisis in Tibet because China has been preventing foreign journalists reporting from the region. However, photos and footage have been obtained showing huge numbers of troops flooding Tibetan areas and of three incidents in late January where Chinese forces fired indiscriminately into crowds of unarmed protesters, killing at least six and wounding many more. As Tibetans in the UK we feel that, with the situation likely to worsen in the traditionally restive spring period, it is more vital than ever for the UK government to back US calls for free access to be granted to reporters. This evening we will be joined at the Chinese embassy in London by Tibetan monks who will lead prayers for those who have been killed, as similar vigils take place simultaneously across the world. We have not forgotten our brothers and sisters in Tibet.
Karma Kyura-Tsang Tibetan Youth UK, Sonam Dugduk Tibetan Community in Britain, Pema Yoko Students for a Free Tibet UK, Philippa Carrick Tibet Society © 2012 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds