We're mapping how many Occupy protest camps are still active across the world. See the list and help us track which camps are still open here
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Since its inception in Zuccotti Park, New York, and then through a wave of activism on the global day of protest on 15 October, the Occupy movement has dominated headlines.
Attracting both celebrity endorsements and concerted police crackdowns, the protest camps have become a sign of outrage at economic inequality.
Last weekend, authorities in Oakland, California, made hundreds of arrests after violent clashes in the city.
Occupy London activists who run a "tent city" by St Paul's Cathedral face forced eviction in the coming days after talks, brokered by the cathedral authorities, broke down.
Now, three and a half months on, we'd like to know how many of these occupations are continuing. At one point, there were reputed to be 951 protests in 82 countries around the world. In mid-November, our original reader-aided survey of the Occupy movement logged more than 750 occupations and events.
Now we'd like to know whether your local Occupy protest has survived in its original location, or not at all. New protests may also have popped up in new locations, and we'd like to know about that, too.
We've updated the map of all the Occupy movements worldwide and are now plotting camps and protests that are still active onto the map. The red dots show protests which started before the winter and the white and black target marks show movements that are still active. White marks show those that have since closed down.
Help us plot which camps are still active by filling in the form below. list
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