Users of the social network have shared their views on news that Twitter has implemented a system to withhold tweets on a country-by-country basis.
Many tweeters have accused the service of censorship and, under the hashtags #twittercensorship and #twitterblackout, are planning to protest by not tweeting on 28 January in a stand against what they see as a threat to freedom of expression and information. Others question the extent to which this system will be used and if this move by Twitter will result in a shift away from the network
@guardianworld It's an affront on a free society & could be a PR disaster for Twitter after it's much praised role in the #Arabspring
— Tyson B. (@globalvybe) January 27, 2012
Dear @Twitter, I've decided to join #TwitterBlackout Protest of new #TwitterCensored policy. I will NOT tweet on Sat, Jan 28.
— luis prieto (@luisprieto) January 27, 2012
Why boycott it just for 1 day If you really think it's wrong, talk about a week or a month & I shall take you seriously #TwitterCensorship
— Hani Arif (@haniarif) January 27, 2012
Twitter's new policy on tweet censorship will make it increasingly difficult to not be seen as a tool of US-foreign policy during unrest.
— Chanders (@Chanders) January 27, 2012
Surprised there's not more outrage about #twittercensorship - although maybe there is and the tweets are being blocked.
— Rory Wilson (@alnya) January 27, 2012
Twitter, why don't you ban porn spammers instead of free thinkers? #TwitterCensorship
— Noemi Shams (@NoemiShams) January 27, 2012
#TwitterCensorship. Dear Twitter, I face so much censorship in Sudan as a journalist, you were my free and safe space. I'm grieving now.
— ريم ايس كريم (@ReemShawkat) January 27, 2012
#twittercensorship At least they have stated that a removed tweet will be prominently displayed as removed (as opposed to simply vanishing).
— Matt Giuca (@mgiuca) January 27, 2012
I wonder how much energy will be expended today debating #TwitterCensored that would otherwise be spent discussing #Syria.— Andy Carvin (@acarvin) January 27, 2012
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