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Hungary's hard-pressed workforce struggles with unaffordable mortgages


Budapest's maverick economic policies are undermining its currency, the forint – piling pressure on the thousands of Hungarians who are trying to pay off home loans denominated in Swiss francs or euros

The Hungarian government says it is bending over backwards to secure a vital loan of up to £17bn from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the EU, but Hungary remains in the international crossfire, sharply criticised by western governments and the European commission and suffering the indignity of a credit downgrade to junk status.

The Hungarian currency, the forint, hit record lows last week, and the crisis could cost the prime minister, Viktor Orban, or at least the economy minister, Gyorgy Matolcsy, their jobs.

The minister leading negotiations on a new loan, Tamas Fellegi, is travelling to Washington for informal talks with the IMF, which he has described as "hard"; he expects talks with the EU to be "extremely hard". From Washington, he will travel to Berlin, Paris, Vienna and Brussels.

His government has been subject to withering criticism, at home and abroad, for passing two financial laws at the end of last year that could be used to interfere with the independence of the Hungarian central bank, the MNB. The government has consistently attacked MNB governor Andras Simor for refusing to go along with its policy of encouraging economic growth by keeping interest rates down. But on Friday, Orban met Simor and promised closer government-bank co-operation. "The Hungarian banking system is sufficiently stable," the bank said in a terse statement issued after the meeting.

Hungary needs the new loan, which it calls a "safety net", by July at the latest. But some suggest that after the downgrade and the sharp drop in the forint's value, at least the bare outline of a loan agreement now needs to be reached within two weeks.

The conservative Fidesz government came to power in spring 2010 with a promise to create 1m jobs in 10 years – badly needed, as Hungary has the lowest employment rate in the EU. Only 55% of the working-age population work and pay tax; the rest either survive on disability pensions or via the black economy. But joblessness remains steady at 11%, and a range of new taxes, including the increase of VAT to an EU record of 27%, is leading to layoffs rather than job creation. Austrian banks, which dominate the market in Hungary, have also been cutting back on the money available to their subsidiaries in eastern Europe, making it even harder to borrow.

Janos Toth stands at the top of a ladder, covered in plaster, twisting wires into a cavity in the wall. Below him, in the stairwell of a 1930s residential block, are a jumble of bicycles chained together and boxes of withered geraniums, thick with dust, waiting for spring.

Like most Hungarians, Toth has a big mortgage, which he was encouraged by his Austrian-owned bank to take out in Swiss francs in 2008, because interest rates in foreign currencies were much lower than in forints. There were 150 forints to the franc then; now, there are 250. As an electrician, he already works 14 hour days, six days a week, and often Sundays as well. But because of the forint's weakness, the sum he owes keeps growing, and he can already hardly pay the monthly instalments.

As a Hungarian from neighbouring Romania, he came to Budapest with his wife in 1998, seeking a better life. Now he's thinking of going back. "We assumed all along that we would work hard all our lives, and our children would inherit our savings," says his mate, Jozsef. "Now we can see them inheriting our debts."

Tunde Horvath is a journalist, living with her photographer husband in the Buda hills. They also had a big Swiss franc loan, but have signed up to a government scheme to pay it off in one lump sum, at a far better exchange rate than that available in the market. They now have until the end of February to find the money – they are trying to quickly sell a plot of land adjacent to their own. But they may have to sell their own home as well.

About 100,000 Hungarians are known to have applied to take part in the scheme so far. It was agreed without the involvement of banks, which already stand to lose around £150m; the worst affected Austrian banks are taking Hungary to court for lost profits.

More than a million Hungarians, like Toth, have decided they cannot afford to take part. But their repayments soared again last week because of the weakening forint. The Hungarian economy has entered 2012 like a stricken ship in heavy seas. "We will not just need our umbrellas this coming year," the prime minister told the nation in December, "we will need our storm coats as well."

"I haven't got the money for a storm coat!" proclaimed one of the funnier banners at last week's large anti-government demonstration in Budapest. The increasingly regular protests in the Hungarian capital are getting more humorous as the confidence of the protesters grows. As the economy slides, there's a renaissance of jokes not seen since before the fall of communism.

Some jokes though, cut close to the bone. A cartoon last Monday in the French daily Le Monde portrays the Hungarian prime minister as a fascist leader. "A lot of my colleagues and commentators in Hungary think that the government intention is to build a dictatorship, but I disagree," says Peter Hack, a law professor at Budapest University and former liberal MP. "I think that the government made a series of miscalculations." He insists that Fidesz, who policies have caused international concern, remains the best bulwark against the far-right Jobbik party, which won nearly 17% of the vote at the election and has since overtaken the socialists in polls to become the country's second political force.

George Schöpflin, a Fidesz member of the European parliament, agrees with his former rival. "One third, or maybe two fifths, of the population is at or below the poverty line. Probably 10 to 15% are in deep poverty. These are the people who are vulnerable not to the left wing, but to Jobbik," he says. "And that is what the left wing refuses to see, and that is what all the critics of Hungary fail to see: that the deteriorating economy is not helpful to the left, it is helpful to the far right.'

"The new government will be modest and humble," Orban said in his victory speech after the April 2010 elections. But "the real problem with this government is that it did not keep that promise," says Balint Ablonczy, a journalist at Heti Valasz, an influential pro-government weekly. One of the most interesting developments of recent weeks has been growing criticism from hitherto staunch supporters of the government, like Heti Valasz and the daily Magyar Hirlap.

So could Orban fall? At only 48, the Hungarian prime minister is already one of the great survivors of eastern European politics. An ardent footballer and admirer of former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi, some observers say that, like Berlusconi, he would rather step down than oversee a programme of austerity measures at the IMF's behest – austerity most Hungarians say they could not bear.

Others say Orban did not wait eight years in the political wilderness, after Fidesz lost the 2002 election, to resign now, after only 20 months in office – and that he would never leave the party he has spent nearly 24 years building in the lurch.

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