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GOP candidates prepare for back-to-back New Hampshire debates


Candidates juggle campaign stops with debate preparations, as polls show a commanding lead for Mitt Romney

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Republican presidential candidates have been juggling campaign stops and intensive preparations for back-to-back televised debates held so close to New Hampshire's Tuesday primary that a good performance or a major gaffe could prove decisive.

Almost all of the six candidates had campaign stops throughout Saturday, but most left free time in their schedules to rehearse for the debate in Manchester, which begins at 9pm (ET). They will then get up first thing in the morning for another debate in Concord, beginning at 9am.

It is an unusual piece of debate scheduling, with little time for the candidates, their campaign teams and the media pundits to review the Manchester debate before they head into the next one.

Polls show Mitt Romney with a commanding lead in New Hampshire of more than 20% and no signs of a late surge by any of his rivals. Former senator Rick Santorum, who ran him a desperately close second in Iowa last Tuesday, enjoyed an initial bump in support in New Hampshire in the days afterwards but now, according to a poll published on Saturday, appears to have plateaued – a possible backlash against his deeply conservative social views, in particular acrimonious exchanges with students in Concord over his hostility towards same-sex marriages.

On the campaign trail on Saturday, Santorum tried to avoid talking about social issues in favour of a more economic message. But in Hollis, after being asked about same-sex marriages, he said: "I believe marriage is a privilege, not a right. Not anybody nor anything can get married."

Santorum publicly conceded on Friday he is unlikely to win New Hampshire but predicted on Saturday a win in South Carolina, whose primary is on 21 January.

He will receive a major boost on Sunday when he is expected to be endorsed in South Carolina by Gary Bauer, one of the leading campaigners in the US on pro-life and pro-traditional family issues. Bauer, who served in the Reagan administration, founded the Campaign for Working Families, a powerful and well-funded conservative political action committee.

Santorum's sudden surge in Iowa came after he won the endorsement of Christian evangelical leaders in the state.

A Suffolk University poll of likely primary voters in New Hampshire published on Saturday showed Romney with 39%, congressman Ron Paul on 17%, former house speaker Gingrich 10%, Santorum 9%, former Utah governor Jon Huntsman 9% and Texas governor Rick Perry 1%.

The poll findings for Romney are supported by the number of placards, posters and yard signs blanketing New Hampshire, with those for Romney easily outweighing the rest combined.

With Romney expected to win New Hampshire, the others are vying for second place to provide them with momentum going into the next race – the South Carolina primary – which may prove to be the decider. Perry flew to New Hampshire for the debates but is not campaigning in the state, concentrating instead on South Carolina.

While Paul appears to be heading for second place, one of the others in the pack could still gain on him. That is one of the reasons why the debates take on such importance. With Gringrich, Huntsman and Santorum in a deadheat, each will be seeking to find a message that will resonate and help them break out off the bunch.

The eventual winner will be the Republican nominee to take on Barack Obama in November.

Romney, who broke off from campaigning in New Hampshire to visit South Carolina on Friday, was back on the road in New Hampshire on Saturday.

Paul, a libertarian, is already looking towards South Carolina. A Ron Paul super-political action committee (PAC) bought up $300,000 in television advertising, all of it aimed at Romney, accusing him of supporting government bailouts and excessive federal spending.

Santorum was one of the most active on the campaign trail Saturday, barnstorming through the southern part of New Hampshire, where he drew large crowds.

In Amherst, he was able to stick to the economic message.

"Think Reagan, vote Santorum," he told a crowd outside a grocery store in the town of Amherst. The meeting was moved outside to accommodate the large number of people who turned up.

Santorum attacked Barack Obama, saying he was changing America. "If Barack Obama is re-elected we will be the generation that lost faith in the principles of America," he said. He also took swipes at Romney, hitting him for his healthcare reforms when he was governor of Massachusetts. When a low flying plane briefly disturbed him, Santorum quipped: "It is probably Romney flying in here. A private plane, I suspect."

At a later stop in a barn in the town of Hollis, the crowd was so big that Santorum gave two speeches: one for those inside the barn and one for those stuck outside. "I a little stunned at the turnout," he says before urging his audience to back him. "This is the most important election of your lifetime. I don't care how old you are. This is a turning point election," he said.

Many in the crowd, however, were from outside the state. As the hottest thing in the race Santorum attracts the curious as much as the converted. However, Ed Rowane, a local graphic designer, was a true believer. "I am voting for him for economic issues but the social issues align with mine too," he said. Rowane was not concerned that Santorum was unlikely to beat Romney in the state. "I think Romney has it sewn up. But Santorum will come in a strong second or third and that will be enough to get him to South Carolina," he said.

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