Middle East Quartet attend meeting as deadline for border and security proposals nears
Israeli and Palestinian negotiators will meet on Tuesday in Amman for the first time for more than a year in an effort to get negotiations restarted.
With low expectations on both sides, the meeting between Israeli envoy Yitzhak Molcho and Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat will be hosted by King Abdullah of Jordan and attended by the Middle East Quartet – the US, EU, UN and Russia.
A three-month period set by the Quartet for the presentation of both sides' proposals on border and security arrangements expires on 26 January, although Israel says the clock only starts ticking once talks resume.
Without tangible progress, the Palestinians are expected to resume their efforts to win recognition as a state from international bodies including the UN.
The Palestinians argue that there can be no meaningful talks while Israel continues expanding its settlements in the West Bank, which are illegal under international law. They are calling for a construction freeze before returning to the negotiating table.
Israel insists it will not accept preconditions to talks.
The two sides have not met since September 2010, when negotiations collapsed after Israel refused to extend a 10-month partial construction freeze in its settlements.
The Palestinians applied to the UN security council for admission in September - in effect, recognition of a Palestinian state. Despite majority support among the UN's 192 member states, the Palestinians failed to secure a majority within the security council, although the application has not been voted on.